Our Impact

The Impact of Our Work

MMLT protects over 3,300 acres of conservation lands, including 2,735 acres of forests, 442 acres of wetlands and 51 acres of grasslands.

The 12 properties perform ecosystem services which can be valued at over $22 million, and provide habitat for many rare and uncommon species. In particular, almost 30 species at risk have been documented on our properties.

Conserving land provides places of wildness where natural processes govern, creating optimal conditions for all species to thrive. With a wide range of land types across our properties, MMLT is well-positioned to support research in many scientific areas. For visitors, engaging with nature in this form offers a myriad of powerful human health benefits.

Please read our Impact Report for a more in-depth analysis of how MMLT’s conservation work benefits ecosystems, wildlife, and people.

Blueberry Mountain