Conservation Research & Learning Opportunities

Conservation Research and Learning Opportunities

With a wide range of land types across our properties, MMLT is well-positioned to support research in many scientific areas.

MMLT experts conduct routine land surveys before properties are acquired, and on an ongoing basis following acquisition. The surveys record details of:

  • Flora and fauna, including species at risk, and invasive species
  • Specific ecosensitivities
  • Hydrology
  • Earth science features
  • Environmental hazards
  • Other types of threats to conservation of the property, such as potential future development

Researchers have conducted field studies on MMLT properties, including:

  • Detection probabilities for rare plant species
  • Insect collection and identification
  • Bioacoustics monitoring
  • Restoration of meadowlands for pollination


Recording Coordinates

We are currently in collaboration with researchers from Carleton University and the Nature Conservancy of Canada to learn more about environmental decision-making when it comes to conservation prioritization. As part of this work we have been identifying digital tools that may be used to streamline and standardize this prioritization process.

In partnership with local school boards, elementary and high school students are invited to our properties for outdoor classroom experiences in nature. This includes practicing standard fieldwork protocols as well as developing project-based environmental initiatives to be applied on our properties.

Please read our Impact Report for a more in-depth analysis of how MMLT’s conservation work benefits ecosystems, wildlife, and people.