The Power of Nature for Human Health

Human Health Benefits

MMLT provides places of wildness where natural processes govern, creating optimal conditions for all species to thrive. Engaging with nature in this form offers a myriad of powerful human health benefits.

Fresh air oxygenates our bloodstream, improves our lung function, increases our energy, and sharpens our mind.

Walking along nature trails is an easily accessible form of exercise, which contributes to lower blood pressure and improved cardiovascular health.

Time spent in nature has been shown to reduce anxiety, stress, and depression; it acts as a natural remedy to improve mental well-being, while enhancing attention, concentration, and memory.

The beauty of nature enlivens our senses, invoking wonder and awe. This connection with something larger than ourselves becomes a wellspring of inspiration and a source of spiritual experiences.

Spring Walk
Festival of the Wild Child

MMLT facilitates access to these health benefits by opening some of its properties for various purposes.

Recreational activities such as hiking, snowshoeing, or cross-country skiing allow people to engage in authentic nature experiences.

Programs for children and families, such as our annual Festival of the Wild Child, that offer unique experiences to connect with nature.

Educational activities, such as guided nature walks, that provide an opportunity for learning about and appreciating the natural world.

When people visit MMLT properties they often develop a respectful relationship with nature and a commitment to protect these vital wild spaces.

Please read our Impact Report for a more in-depth analysis of how MMLT’s conservation work benefits ecosystems, wildlife, and people.