Latest News
MMLT 2024 Year End Gratitude
Dear friends, as we approach the end of the year, Steve Kotze - President of the Board of Directors, takes a look back and finds countless reasons for gratitude in his year end letter. including your overwhelming response to our Chatson Woods appeal. Thank you to all...
MMLT Celebrates $123,800 in OTF Grant from the Ontario Government
Carleton Place, ON – On Thursday, local MPP John Jordan met with the team at Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust (MMLT) to hear more about the $123,800 Resilient Communities Grant they received from the provincial government’s Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) to create...
Birding at the Festival of the Wild Child
By: Sheila Craig, Vice-President, MMLT MMLT’s annual Festival of the Wild Child takes place in late August which happens to be peak migration time for wood warblers and many other passerines. Most of these colourful little birds migrate at night, and at dawn, descend...
Recent Newsletters
- Upcoming Event: Fall Colours Walk at Blueberry Mountain
- Recap: Festival of the Wild Child (including a birding roundup)
- Recap: Notes for Nature
- Conservation Coordinator Update
- Reflections from cliffLAND: Squash, the Pope, and Nature: An Unexpected Connection by Howard Clifford
- Volunteer Appreciation: Featuring Dale Dilamarter
- Recap: AGM
- Recap: MMLT in the Community
- Kay Cartwright – Land Donor
- Volunteer Appreciation: Featuring Denis Gallant
- Recap: Trail Clearing at Blueberry Mountain
- Recap: Spring Ephemerals Walk and Native Plant Sale
- Tribute to Paul Anthony Keddy
- Farewell & Best Wishes to Emily Moynes
- Conservation Coordinator Update
- Reflections from cliffLAND: Nature Ministers to All by Howard Clifford
- 88.1 myFM Interview with Stephen Blight
- Volunteer Appreciation: Featuring Art Goldsmith
- THANK YOU to our donors!
- MMLT’s Fantastic Christmas Gift
- Conservation Coordinator Update
- 2023 Photo Contest Results
- Exclusive Article by Howard Clifford: Strange Beginnings to the Creation of My Future – Part 4
- Volunteer Appreciation: Featuring Susan Howe
- 2023 iNaturalist Summary