YOU are Key to Our Success!
Your contribution ensures the work we do to preserve the beautiful, wild places we all love continues. Whether you give through a one-time donation or by monthly giving, every contribution helps us to achieve our goals. Thank you!
We offer many options for how you can make a charitable donation:
- Direct debit or credit card via Paypal
- Cheque
- Pre-authorized Monthly Donations are a terrific way to make a larger annual gift with the convenience of manageable payments.
- Donation of Securities
- Planned Giving
- Donation of Land
Cheque and Pre-Authorized Monthly Payments
Download, save and complete the Donation Form. Send it along with your cheque to MMLT 10970 Highway 7, Carleton Place ON K7C 1P3. Please do not send cash through the mail.
Endowment Funds
MMLT has endowment funds that ensure the long term stability and sustainability of the organization. Please click Endowment Funds for information.
In 2015 we launched the Carp Hills Opportunity Fund, which is used for any costs directly linked to the acquisition or donation of land or to the establishment of conservation easements in the Carp Hills.
A donation of securities is one of the most tax effective ways to give charitably.
Canada Revenue Agency does not impose capital gains tax on donations of publicly traded securities. Capitals gains are the increase in the value of your securities over the price you paid at purchase.
When you sell your shares for cash, you’re responsible for the tax due on the increase in value, even if you plan to donate the proceeds from the sale. But thanks to changes in the tax laws introduced in 2006, any capital gain triggered by making a donation of publicly traded securities to a registered charity is eliminated.
This means the land trust receives a larger gift, and you’ll benefit from a tax receipt for the full value of your eligible securities.
If you’d like to donate securities, please contact us to discuss the process, which can be easily arranged between our transfer agent, the Ottawa Community Foundation, and your broker. By phone: 613-253-2722. By email: [email protected]
Memorial Gifts
You can make your gift in memory of a particular individual who believed in the preservation of Nature. For a special event, such as a birthday or anniversary, you may wish to make a gift to MMLT in honour of a friend who loves nature. Provide us with their name and address, and we will be happy to send them a certificate letting them know of your gift.
Planned Giving
You can remember us in your will, thus helping us build a solid financial base for the future. Additional information about bequests and other forms of Planned Giving here.
Donation of Land
As a donor of land, either through fee simple or conservation easement, you become a partner in protecting nature for the long term. We are also a qualified recipient agency under the federal Ecological Gifts Program. That means we can provide you the best tax treatment for your donation, and assure you that your lands will be safeguarded forever.
Land that does not meet ecological criteria can be donated to the MMLT to be sold and the proceeds used towards the purchase or maintenance of priority properties. The donor will receive a tax receipt for the appraised value of the property.
Download our Land Securement Brochure for more details.
Revenue Canada Charitable Business # 87859 1007 RR0001.